Navigating the Portfolio Pathway for a Certificate of Eligibility General Practice (CEGPR) can be complex, which is why we've created a comprehensive guide to support you along the way. You’ll find step-by-step guidance and we’ve included all the essential information about the eligibility criteria, how to apply and associated costs.
Find out more about the Portfolio Pathway and how you can follow this alternative GP route here.
The Portfolio Pathway is an alternative way for doctors to be added to the GP Register and practice as independent GPs in the UK. Through this pathway, eligible and approved GPs can gain equal recognition and pursue a successful career, just the same as any other trained GPs.
If you trained in the UK, you would only need to apply for a CEGPR via the Portfolio Pathway to become a practising GP if you haven’t been able to gain a Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT). This may be because you didn’t pass The Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) or The Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) as part of your MRCGP and went on to pass the missing element within six months after the final day of your training (unless you were granted permission to take the exam later).
It may also be because you trained as a GP outside the UK. If you hold equivalent training, you’ll be able to submit this for approval within your application. Successful applicants are included on the GP register. You would then complete the GP International Induction Programme (IIP), designed for internationally qualified GPs who haven’t worked in the UK before.
To summarise, the Portfolio Pathway process involves the assessment of knowledge, skills, and experience by the General Medical Council (GMC). This ensures that GPs meet the required standards to provide quality healthcare services to patients in the UK.
From 30 November 2023, applications for a CEGPR are to be made via the new Portfolio Pathway. More pathways to the CEGPR are being developed and will be introduced by the General Medical Council in the future. This route to specialist or general practice registration with the GMC is for doctors who haven’t completed a GMC-approved programme and have the knowledge, skills, and experience (KSEs) required for practising as an eligible specialist in the United Kingdom. This change does not represent a different, or lower expectation of applicants. It ensures consistency across all pathways to specialist and GP registration, now and in the future.
To be eligible for a CEGPR application, you must be able to show that your training, qualifications, and experience are equivalent to the CCT. You will need to hold one of the following:
- A qualification in general practice
- Six months of specific training in general practice, gained either in the UK or abroad
You’ll also need:
- GMC registration with a licence to practise
You must also have evidence of your experience in line with the specialty-specific GP guidance. You will need to demonstrate capabilities in these areas:
- Fitness to practise
- Maintaining an ethical approach
- Communication and consultation
- Data gathering and interpretation
- Clinical examination and procedural skills
- Making decisions
- Clinical management
- Managing medical complexity
- Working with colleagues and in teams
- Improving performance, learning and teaching
- Organisational management and leadership
- Practising holistically, promoting health and safeguarding
- Community orientation
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- You apply online via the General Medical Council (GMC) website and upload your supporting evidence electronically. You structure your evidence around the 13 curriculum capabilities, uploading documents to each capability. The specialty-specific guidance for GP outlines specific evidence you can provide to demonstrate the 13 capabilities.
- The GMC reviews your evidence and will write to your nominated referees. This part of the process may take up to three months. Once the GMC considers your application is ready for evaluation, the complete application is sent to the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), and they have up to seven weeks to evaluate the evidence and submit a detailed report to the GMC.
- The GMC then has a further five weeks to consider the College’s report and recommendation, make their final decision and write to you confirming the outcome.
- If your application is successful, you will be included on the GMC’s GP Register. If it is declined, you will be given specific recommendations on how you can meet the standard. You can appeal the decision at this stage.
- Finally, you will apply to join the GP International Induction Programme (IIP) through the GP National Recruitment Office website . Successful completion of the programme will allow you entry to the National Medical Performers List, a prerequisite to working in general practice.
You can consult the Royal College of General Practice , GP Curriculum and the GMC for more in-depth information and step-by-step guidance.
The streamlined CEGPR route is available to GPs whose training took place in certain countries recognised by the GMC. You’ll need to have completed a minimum of three years of postgraduate training in general practice or family medicine.
The recognised countries are:
- Australia
- Canada
- New Zealand
- South Africa
The streamlined process aims to simplify the application procedure for eligible GPs, with less required supporting evidence.
The fees associated with the CEGPR vary depending on your circumstances. You are required to pay an application fee to the GMC for the assessment process. Additionally, there may be costs associated with verifying qualifications, translation services, and professional examinations.
The fees are as follows:
- CEGPR registration: £1,781
- Annual registration fee: £433 for doctors with a licence, or £166 for newly qualified doctors
- Review of an application for a CEGPR: £773
The fees charged if your specialist application is withdrawn are:
- £99 if you aren’t eligible
- £577 if withdrawn after initial assessment
- £987 if withdrawn after additional evidence assessment
- £1,781 if withdrawn following submission for clinical assessment
- £99 if not submitted to college
- £773 if submitted to college
Alternatively, you could be eligible for a package of support available to CEGPR applicants. This would either be through the NHS England International GP Recruitment Programme or the NHS Scotland Enhanced Induction GP Programme. If successful, this would cover (or refund) the application cost.
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